Spent an amazing evening with Gabby and Jared in the desert and then on a parking garage in Scottsdale! Loved everything about their style. Cheers to AZ love!!
MODEL ALERT!!!! Maria had some amazing ideas for her session, involving some sweet dance photos! Also her floral dress was gorgeous, I think I need it! Leave some love at the bottom in the comments;) P.S. Does it really get better than floral and smoke bombs?! xoxo, jaceej
Blog for the BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!! Olivia was on my street team last year and I love having her in front of my camera!!! Check out her awesome July session here: P.S. Any session that ends in a wheat field makes my heart happy! xoxo, jaceej
Is anyone else really missing Twist Cone!? Madysn is my favorite Twist Cone employee, so naturally I was so excited that we got to do photos in front of my favorite ice cream place! I LOVE it when seniors incorporate the things that set them apart:) P.S. I love it when seniors do a fall […]
Jori’s session is definitely in my top 5 favorites from last year! I loved all of her outfits, so much color and fun styles. Also any shoot when I get to play in sunflowers and and play Post Malone “Sunflower” is a good day! Make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom and […]
Looking back at Madalyn’s fun filled morning June session, I’m so ready for summer again! Golden mornings, tan skin, warm days and pretty seniors. I’m so ready!!! P.S. Make sure you bring a hair brush with to your session;) xoxo, jaceej
Jenna was all smiles for her entire session! She is definitely an old soul that loves some 80’s music especially Dancing Queen… which we totally jammed out to during the session! I love it when people’s personalities shine through their photos! P.S. One of the biggest tips I can give for a senior is to […]
These photos are from Jayla’s July senior session! But here is what she had to say about being on the 2020 Street Team: “I would definitely recommend JaCee to my friends for senior pictures because she knows so many cute poses and is very good at your job! She is sooo energetic and fun to […]
Hannah was the Roncalli representative for the 2019 Street Team! Every time she was in front of my camera she rocked it! I loved her choice in outfits – she had some timeless outfits along with some cute, trendy ones that made her session the best of both worlds!! P.S. I always have a bubble […]
Emma has one of the sweetest smiles and lovely personalities! Her end of August session was so perfect, it was filled with sunflowers, red daisies and Harry Potter;) P.S. These colors are what I live for!! xoxo, jaceej
As I was talking about in my last blog post, hair goals is a real thing… and I am so jealous how long Delaney’s hair is!!! We had so much fun getting attacked by mosquitos and playing with flowers. Basically a perfect hot July day;) P.S. If Delaney looks familiar it’s because she is the […]